The Workforce is Changing | Part 3 | The Exponential Age
The Workforce is Changing | Part 2 | An Independent Worker's Perspective
Spending time with Nick Lloyd
The Workforce is Changing; Jobs Are Gone And More Will Follow
What Do Wonder Woman & DISC Have In Common?
DISC serves as a looking glass, providing awareness and insight into how others may perceive us when we engage with them. Built on the foundations of the research of Dr William Marston (the creator of the comic book character Wonder Woman), this blog explores the framework of DISC and why it is favoured as a behavioural assessment tool by the Fortune 500 companies and Scope Vision.
Always Remember Your T&T; The Right Attitude is Only a Smile Away!
Feedback; An Elephant or a Gift?
If ‘Feedback is a gift’ as Ken Blanchard attests, then why do so many of us want a refund, or wish to re-gift it straight after it’s been given? How feedback is afforded often differentiates whether we perceive it to be of value, or quite frankly put – just ‘an elephant to the head’, something that negatively weighs on your mind. This week's blog explores Appreciative Inquiry; a process you can use to encourage curiosity, stimulate thinking and explore!
Explore Awesome Thoughts!
Having problems encouraging the team to have awesome thoughts? Is everyone living inside the box and contributing average thinking when extraordinary is what's required? It may just be time for you to embrace Edward De Bono's 6 hat parallel thinking philosophy. This week's blog explores De Bono's tool for critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity.
Spending time with Andrew Donovan
4 Overlooked Reasons Why Your Staff Might Be Unhappy & Unproductive
9 Ways to Increase Your Motivation
Jerks at Work! 12 Annoying Personalities
Lacking Motivation? At the End of Your Curve?
Who’s on Your Personal Board of Directors?
Finding my Grit; A Journey of Courageous Decision Making
One Minute Management in Action!
Spending time with Colin Gourdis
Spending time with Andy Freeman
MJ recently had the opportunity to hear Andy Freeman's thoughts on leadership, innovation and the Perth Hospitality market. Known for his commitment, innovation and impeccable attention to detail, Andy is truly one of Perth's most respected industry figures. We hope you enjoy reading Andy's thoughts as much as we enjoyed bring them to you!