Letter to my 25 year old self

Letter to my 25 year old self

I recently read a post from Sir Richard Branson to his former self aged 25.
In #ChallengeRichard, he was challenged to write a letter to his 10, 25, 50 and 65 year old self. His thoughts sent me digressing as I pondered what I would write if I was faced with the same proposition...

Guest Blogging Isn't A One-way Street

Guest Blogging Isn't A One-way Street

Recently, I wrote an article for Carma's blog about Social Media about the challenges small businesses can face in getting started on Social Media, and some things that she has helped me to realise about my own Digital Marketing.

You can read this post HERE.

While reflecting on this topic it brought me back to one of our first guest bloggers - Richard Moroney! He wrote an absolutely AWESOME piece about Social Media which you might not have seen.

The Keys to Holding Great Coaching Conversations

The Keys to Holding Great Coaching Conversations

One of the most powerful motivators at work is to feel that you are progressing and contributing to meaningful work. What separates highly effective leaders from average ones is their recognition of the power of coaching. This article examines the why and the how of coaching when using the GROW model as your framework for conversations.

Our Journey Towards AWESOME; Entering the Telstra Micro-Business Awards

Our Journey Towards AWESOME; Entering the Telstra Micro-Business Awards

Share in the journey to AWESOME. As Scope reaches its 19th year and decides how to celebrate the monumentus milestone, they decide to enter the Telstra Micro-Business Awards. Grab a coffee....share the journey... its been quite an experience!

To Exercise or Not to Exercise?

To Exercise or Not to Exercise?

Exercise with purpose... the message our guest blogger James Thomson promotes when it comes to running emergency management scenarios. 

With over 21 years experience in the policing, training, higher education, security and risk management fields James shares his insight with Scope enthusiasts on planning to get the right outcomes from your next emergency management drill.

Scope Vision....Serious about safety!