Holding Performance Conversations: It’s Not Personal, Business is a Team Sport

Holding Performance Conversations: It’s Not Personal, Business is a Team Sport

Holding performance conversations is a critical skill that leaders need to master, this blog explores the 'how' and 'why' of enabling organisational shift and people development.

Training Dogs vs People; Is There Really a Difference?

Training Dogs vs People; Is There Really a Difference?

Training dogs vs people; is there really a difference? In this blog we examine whether adult learning principles can successfully be applied when training a Bordoodle. Have fun, laugh and explore, whilst Bentley the Bordoodle decides he's up for the challenge!

Letter to my 25 year old self

Letter to my 25 year old self

I recently read a post from Sir Richard Branson to his former self aged 25.
In #ChallengeRichard, he was challenged to write a letter to his 10, 25, 50 and 65 year old self. His thoughts sent me digressing as I pondered what I would write if I was faced with the same proposition...